*Feeling her tiny fingers wrap around mine
*Watching her melt with relief when she hears my voice
*The excitement I feel every time I hear a burp or see a 'poopy' diaper
*Quiet moments in the middle of the night when I feed her
*Pulling her hands through the arm holes in onesies-I feel like I've accomplished a mission every time
*Her contentment as she takes a warm bath
*Her contentment as she takes a warm bath
*Her bald head:)
*Tiny FEET!! They are my favorite!
*Random smiles that are so big and quick-there's so way to capture them on camera
*Watching Aden sing to her or play peek-a-boo, even though she probably can't see him yet-he's a great big brother! I can see God's preparation in his heart and actions
*Seeing Daddy be a natural born father! He makes it look easy!
Okay, so here are some pics that have been taken since she was born. She's 7 weeks old today!