Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Arthur N Me in Washington!

Well, the Lord truly worked out details to go on the trip to visit Arthur! The airplane, the car rental, the hotels, and the entire adventure!! I got there about noon on Friday. Arthur kept calling and sending texts to see if I was getting closer...very cute, because it showed me his excitement! We toured the post and met all of his coworkers while we waited for a meeting that afternoon. After that, we went back to the hotel and literally slept from 4:30-11:15 pm!! We were exhausted!

We enjoyed our time driving down different exits and following signs to harbors. One day, we ate brunch overlooking a harbor filled with sailboats, yachts, and kayaks! We also went to Pike's Market Place where they throw the fish the customers had bought. Quite a show! We walked down to the pier and Arthur had a seagull eating right out of his hand!

We also visited the Museum of Flight, the Seattle Space Needle, took a 3 hour whale watching boat tour, and drove to Snoqualmie Falls (where we ate at a restaurant on top of a 185 foot waterfall!). There were also 3 days that we stayed in the hotel room and spent time together! One of our favorite things to do together is order pizza and watch a movie-so we did:)

Arthur looked amazing in his Army uniform, and I am very proud of what he is doing! He has been working incredibly hard (3:30 am to 10:30 pm) for almost 2 months straight!! Just seeing him in his uniform with a beret, and watching cadets stand at attention and call him 'sir' was just amazing! I have so much respect for him and what he does, especially after seeing it first hand! He is living in less than a bad-dorm-room type conditions, not being compensated enough for dedicating his life to his country, putting in an 80 hour work week in 2 1/2 days, and he has to be separated from his family right after experiencing the excitement of getting married! It's hard to find a quiet moment to talk like a husband and wife on the phone, unless he sits outside and gets eaten alive by mosquitoes!! So, all in all, it was a great trip...but we are ready to have ARTHUR COME HOME!!! I pick him up from the airport July 29th at 12:05 a.m.!!


Unknown said...

Wow! You had a fun-packed time in Seattle!! That's great. I'm so glad you were able to go.

Aw...you sound like such a proud wife! That's so sweet. I'm so glad the time apart is almost over for you guys. Yippee!

Anonymous said...

He'll be home very soon! I'm so glad you were able to enjoy your time together!

Christy said...

Hi Abby! I don't know how I found your blog, it was from random surfing I think...anyway, just wanted to say hello and congratulations on your marriage!